How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?

Rom 10:14

The Mabe Family

Our family was "established" August 13, 2011. Ryan and I were married in Thomasville, North Carolina which is Ryan's hometown. I am from Frederick, Maryland. We met in college at Liberty University and moved to Thomasville shortly after graduation. Since then, we have been active in our home church, Southgate Baptist Church. We have served over the years in various roles within the youth and children's ministries as well as helping lead our food pantry ministry among other things. Serving God and serving others has been a major part of our lives together as a couple and has continued as our family has grown.

Our children Hannah (9), Josiah (7), and Sarah (1) are three of our greatest joys. We love watching them learn and grow. From Hannah's dance competitions to Josiah's baseball or basketball games we are seeing them doing the things that bring them joy. We also get to see them serve alongside us when we go out into the community and pass out hot meals and boxes of food to those in need. We get to see the huge smiles when we go visiting shut-ins within our church both from those we are visiting as well as our kids. It is such a blessing to see how God is working in their lives and using them to be a blessing not only to us but others as well.

Ministry Video

Our Call

Our call to missions began from the early days of our relationship back at Liberty University. We would talk about the future and what our desires where for our lives. Both of us mentioned becoming missionaries at some point down the road, however, we assumed it would be when our children were grown. We also talked about children and the potential on one day adopting, specifically a child with special needs. As we got married and began our family God began showing us even more of his plan for our lives.

We started going on mission trips together during the summers with our church, Southgate Baptist Church. We would go to Kentucky and serve with Big Creek Missions. We did this for a few years before Hannah came along in December 2014. After Hannah was born, we began planning some of the mission trips to Kentucky as I took the position as children and youth coordinator at our church. This helped us to understand some of the things that go into planning trips and our hosts spoke with us about some of their responsibilities as missionaries.

God began impressing Nicaragua onto our hearts when one of our previous pastors, and good friends were planning a trip to Nicaragua for our church. Ryan was all for the mission trip, but I was not as Josiah was soon to be born. We went to Fort Caswell in the summer of 2016 with our youth for Missions Emphasis Week. Well God definitely convicted my heart and 9 months after Josiah was born, we headed to Nicaragua for a week. It was a huge blessing to Ryan and I and we loved every minute of serving God together.

It was there that God placed a burden on our hearts for the people of Nicaragua, and slowly began revealing more to us. As we continued making trips over the years and spending more time there and watching the ministry in Nicaragua grow, we slowly began to see the great things God was doing among his people there. As we get more of an idea of our role in Nicaragua as missionaries, we see it all coming full circle from those early conversations when we were first dating.

Although it is coming much quicker than we first anticipated all those years ago we know God is in control. He is opening the doors for us to help churches in different communities serve the children through food kitchens and sharing the Gospel. We will have the opportunity to work with teams coming in for short term missions, where they can witness in the schools, provide medical clinics, do construction projects, as well as door to door evangelism among other things. Our main responsibilities will center around the Special Needs Ministry in Nicaragua. We have saw first hand the rapid growth of this ministry and will have the chance to work hand in hand with those professionals to serve children with special needs and their families.

All of these areas that we will be involved in will allow us to accomplish our main purpose in this life which is to proclaim the good news of the Gospel. To share with all those children and their families how great God's love is for them. So great that he sent His only Son to die on a cross for our sins, rose on the third day, and all we have to do is repent and place our trust in Him for salvation.

Our Ministry

Children's Kitchens

Providing the Gospel Message and food for the local children in various communities

Share the Good News

We will build relationships and share the good news with those we meet.

Special Needs Clinic

We will work with professionals specializing in various areas to serve children with special needs as well as their families.

Our Vision


Learn the Spanish language and Nicaraguan culture for 1 to 2 years in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Work alongside churches in the surrounding communities to establish food kitchens to serve the children.


Move to El Crucero and work with the other members of the Special Needs Ministry team.


Work with the Special Needs Ministry, the Children's Kitchens, and international mission teams to spread the Gospel all across Nicaragua through the various ministries.

Where We Serve


Reach Nicaragua With Us!

Your support will help us reach Nicaragua with the Gospel.