11-25-24 Update

Good afternoon everyone. We hope you had a wonderful weekend and you're ready for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful day yesterday working with our church in San Juan de Limay.

We were able to print an entire curriculum for the Christmas season which started yesterday to give the church to use with their children's ministry. The curriculum is in Spanish and teaches the children about the significance of Christmas and why God sent his Son to the Earth. We were able to print this curriculum with the help of so many sponsors and we are so grateful.

The curriculum includes, a lesson guide for teachers, a Bible story, a memory verse, and a craft. The teachers will use the curriculum this Christmas season but they can use it again next year as well.

Since yesterday was the first week of the curriculum and we were just returning to San Juan de Limay...I was the one who got to teach the lesson IN SPANISH!! It was good practice and thankfully I prepared ahead of time in order to practice my Spanish and have a guide for myself too. It went so well and the kids seemed to enjoy the craft. The children learned about the color green and the significance at Christmas which represents the eternal life that God provided us by sending his Son to the Earth for us. Their memory verse was of course John 3:16.

After service, we were able to sit down with the pastor and his wife and pick a start date for English classes. I'm so excited about this. We will begin this on March 8th and it will be every Saturday. We will teach two groups...a children's group and a teenager/adult group. We are so excited that God is allowing this to be a part of our ministry here in Nicaragua. The people of San Juan de Limay do not typically get the chance to learn English because of their location and because of the cost it is to learn English. So this is a blessing for them and for us as well.

Pray for us as this will be our first major holiday away from home on Thursday (Easter was too but we do a small gathering with family and Thanksgiving and Christmas are big gatherings). But we are thankful we get to celebrate it with a few other missionaries instead and we will share with you later this week about that.

Have a wonderful week and a blessed Thanksgiving. Love to all