Good morning. Yesterday we went to San Juan de Limay after the kids got out of school. We visited the Church we are working with a few times a month. We met the ladies and gentlemen who help with the kids ministry. We discussed our plans to help the church twice a month. We will be helping with the children and youth ministry, going door to door to tell people about Christ and invite them to church, and they even want us to help with the baptism service this month. We also read God's word 1 Corinthians 12 and worshipped with them.
Overall it was a wonderful short trip. It takes about 3 hours to get there one way and then 3 back. So definitely pray for the kids as that's a lot of sitting for them when we go. Pray for God's guidance with the church and their ministries. They will go door to door for the first time tomorrow and of course they are a bit nervous but God is with them and in control.
We will return to be with them on March 17th and we cannot wait to start our journey with our church. Ryan and I both see a need for some mission teams to visit the start thinking about it and get your passports ready
We love you all and Happy International Women's Day!! (This is an important celebration here!)