5-19-24 Church Anniversary in San Juan de Limay

Hey everyone!!

We had a wonderful week and hope you did too. The kids are all doing well. I think the two older kids are facing allergies with some blooming trees but they will survive. Everyone else is doing great.

We had a fabulous day in San Juan de Limay. Today the church celebrated their 8th year of being a church. We enjoyed the singing, preaching, and time with the church family. We were invited to participate in the service as well. So I was asked to share my testimony. And boy did God show me how powerful he can be.

I have never really seen that my crazy life testimony has ever had an impact but today it did. After I shared my testimony, the Pastor's wife called me over. I could understand a little bit that there was a girl she wanted me to meet and talk to. So we asked Andresca Menjivar to interpret for me.

Together and with God's help, she explained to me that this young 17 year old woman was doing drugs. She is one of the 7 who were baptized in March. Well many of you know a lot of my family has struggled with drugs and so God was leading me to talk with her.

I was able to confirm that she is saved but she is struggling with sin. She feels like every time she sins fails God and slips back into using drugs. She has tried reading her Bible and praying when that happens but she said it doesn't always work. Please pray for her and these struggles she is facing as a new believer.

I have decided to try and minister to her daily through prayer and encouragement. Pray that God gives me the words to say and the encouragement she needs to grow in the Lord.

Continue to pray for the church we are working with as there are so many people who need to know Jesus.

We love you all greatly. Talk soon.