Happy Sunday! We hope you are ready for Christmas and excited to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
Yesterday, we visited our church in San Juan de Limay. We were invited to share testimony with many young adults who are in a recovery program. The pastor asked me to share my testimony and so I did. While sharing, I chose to focus on how making that daily or even minute by minute choice not to use or fall back into your addiction or temptation can be very difficult but not impossible. I told them that with God all things are possible. He is the only one who can pull us through even the darkest of times when man cannot (Mark 10:27). I also gave them my life verse...the verse I lean on when I struggle with anger, sadness, and whoa is me days... Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
I was also able to present the Gospel in hopes that these men would turn their lives to Christ in hopes that they will live pain free and addiction free one day in the future. Please pray for these men as recovery is a difficult thing.
After visiting the recovery program, we visited with a young man who is around 30 years old. He was in a very bad fight a week or so ago and was beaten badly. He has broken facial bones which required his mouth to be wired shut. He also broke his nose. He will have to have a second surgery here in the future to fix some of the breaks; so please pray for this. While we were there, the pastor told us that he wanted to rededicate his life to Christ and so we prayed with him that if he truly meant it that God would guide him in the direction he needed to go. Please pray for this man, Antonio, and that he truly meant his dedication yesterday but also for his mother, Melanie who is struggling with everything that has happened and the surgery and care that is still to come.
We ended our visit with lunch with the pastor, his wife, and Diomedes and Andresca (our translators). We are so thankful that God has blessed us with almost an entire year here in Nicaragua. It has been a huge blessing.
Today, we went to our "home away from home" church, Faith Baptist Church in our home town. We don't get to visit often as we are visiting other churches and places with our ministry. Today, we were blessed with a wonderful Christmas service and the church blessed us with gifts for the kids and our family. We are so thankful for this church and the Pastor there as he and his wife have been a huge help and blessing this year as well.
Thanks for letting us share and thanks so much for all the love and support both prayerfully and financially. We can't thank everyone enough. God bless.
Merry Christmas or Feliz Navidad!!